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Consulting in Asia

Personal Style and Business Image

According to the Association of Image Consultants International, image is all about Appearance, Behavior and Communication (ABC). The perception of others on your qualifications and credibility is ofen based upon your appearance including your personal grooming and clothes. Professional respect can be adversely affected by poor etiquette, inappropriate body language,  poor oral and written communication skills, lack of civility, and poor self-esteem. The ABC aspects of image influence the perception of individuals, companies and organizations.

Business is all about relationships. The impact of instant communication through social media, blogging, YouTube, Twitter and other Internet-based applications has become crucial to the success or failure of companies and individual careers.  Negative comments broadcast over social media by dissatisfied employees or customers can impact or destroy your image and brand instantly. Disrespectful and irresponsible organizational behavior and communication, inappropriate employee appearance and hostile body language can impact the public perception of your company image and brand.

As an image consultant, I specialize in business communications, personal re-styling and image improvement. I coach individuals and small businesses on appearance, behavior and communication skills through one-to-one mentoring sessions, seminars and workshops. My goal is to empower each person by working together to develop a personal style and image that projects confidence, power and presence.

Communications & Public Speaking


Your public business image needs to be one of confidence, power and authority, especially if you are an executive or sales professional. That means your verbal skills, your non-verbal skills, your dress, and your manners send a message to your audience of who and what you are. Sending the wrong message can act against you in many social settings as well as professional settings. The greatest marketing and personal branding tools available today are public speaking, presentation skills, online persona and video presence. Select from one or more of the 90 minute one-on-one coaching sessions to help you build these skills to give yourself a huge competitive edge.


  • Compelling presentations and presentation skills
  • Business etiquette and protocol 
  • Your online persona - video, blogs, social media


Personal Image & Fashion


We all read the news and continue to experience a bad economy. Even employment agencies have started coaching the long-term unemployed on how to update their personal appearance and refine their personal brand. Whether employed or unemployed, you need to look good, feel good and present yourself the best way you can. Then you have the increased confidence and self-esteem to succeed. And obviously you need to successfully achieve this within your budget. Select from one or more of the 90 minute sessions to define, extend or improve your personal image.

  • Personal Image: confidence, power and resence
  • One-on-one fashion consulting
  • Packaging your idea and yourself for success


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